Meeting at: Caldmore Methodist Church, Corporation Street, Caldmore, Walsall WS1 4HH
The Church Leadership of Asian Heart of Jesus Ministries seeks to safeguard every member of any age, within the church community, including children and vulnerable adults, to treat all with love, understanding, compassion and care.
The Church Leadership seeks to prevent any physical, sexual, or emotional abuse to any child or young person in its care.
The Church Leadership will therefore undertake to ensure that at least two adults are present with any number of children or young people.
The Church Leadership is ultimately response for the appointment of existing and new leaders of all organizations within the church. The church will keep records of addresses and telephone numbers of all leaders.
The Leadership will maintain a register, recording the names of all adults, young people and children who are part of the church fellowship.
All individuals with any child, offences or cautions must make these known in confidence to Pastor Emmanuel Yousuf who at his discretion, can provide appropriate helpful advice.
The Church Leadership is responsible for appointing two Safeguarding Officers from within the congregation of the church, who may be contacted by adults as well as children and young people.
It is the duty of all individuals with any concerns regarding Safeguarding matters, to take their concerns to the group leaders or Safeguarding Officers. Any concerns will be recorded and retained by the Safeguarding Officers, who will if necessary, call a Safeguarding Protection Meeting. This will consist of the Safeguarding Officers together with the pastor of AHOJ ministries Church who is currently: -
Pastor Emmanuel Yousuf, 333 Wednesbury Road, Walsall WS2 9QJ Mobile: 07890975151
The two Safeguarding Officers appointed are:
Mrs Elishba Aleem Akhtar
Miss Rose Emmanuel Yousuf
Policy of Child Protection and the Protection of Vulnerable Adults
The ChurchLeadership of Asian Heart of Jesus Ministries agrees and accepts the following policy on Child Protection and the Protection of Vulnerable Adults.
We commit ourselves to nurture, protect and safeguard all members, particularly our children and young people.
We recognise that our work with vulnerable adults, children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church community.
We accept and endorse the principles of the Children Act 1989 and these Safeguarding guidelines.
We wish to support parents and carers who have responsibility for bringing up children.
We undertake to exercise proper care in both the selections. Appointment and the support of those working with children and young people, whether paid or volunteer.
The Church Leadership shall review this policy annually.
On behalf of AHOJ Ministries Church
May 2021
Procedure if a child or young person reports abuse.
The Safeguarding Officers, or any other responsible adult, can listen to a child or young person providing they have another individual present. Care must be taken, not to ask any leading question or give any advice that can be misconstrued and to inform the child/young person that a record will be made of the conversation. Depending on the situation it will not be possible to keep the conversation confidential.
The content of any interview of this delicate nature must be recorded accurately to include the child’s or young person’s own words and a description of their body language. All this must be explained to the person seeking help before any dialogue takes place.It is important however to give re-assurance that someone who can help will be contacted.
A Safeguarding Protection Meeting (see page 1) will be called as soon as possible after a meeting has taken place. And any further appropriate action will be determined by that meeting.
All information disclosed is to be dealt with in the strictest confidence and all paperwork and records kept with the agreement of Pastor Emmanuel Yousuf in the church safe.